💪Because I Didn’t Know How to Automate my Business, One Day I Worked 24 Hours Straight. That was the “Straw that 🤕Broke the Camel’s Back


Wed. March, 27th, 3:00 pm EST


What You'll Learn

  • How to Automate Existing Services (W/O Coding or Tech Exp.)

  • How to Increase Productivity with Less Effort.

  • How to Earn More W/O Working More.

  • How to Streamline your Existing Workflow.

  • How to Automate Lead-Gen in One-Click.

image of py from pytalkbiz

Hosted By Deborah Pretty

Deborah Pretty, also known as PY, has been an entrepreneur for 40 years. She built 5 businesses and scaled one to multiple- six- figures, but not the way she wanted to make money.

Overwhelmed, and frustrated, she sought online solutions to help her work less and learn more.

Now, she teaches other small business owners how to avoid the pitfalls she fell into and achieve their goals through simple automation.

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Anthony Dupree


"I'm Dupree from Dupree's Transportation, and I worked
with Ms. Pretty 15 yrs. ago. Early on in my business, I knew nothing about
computers or SEO. But Ms. Pretty built my website, optimized it for search
engines, and got it listed in all the major directories. My online visibility
skyrocketed, and I started getting calls from everywhere! I can't say enough
about Ms. Pretty, she'd be a true asset to any business."

Tula Garris

Deborah Pretty is a highly knowledgeable and savvy online
marketer. She was one of the first people to support us when we started our
hair care business. My ex and I formulated a product that became very popular,
and Deborah helped us research URLs and choose the perfect website domain. She
also did a lot of other things to help us get our business off the ground.
Deborah is a rare find in the business world. She knows her stuff, and she's
always willing to go the extra mile.

Courtney McRae

If looking to expand your business acumen and refresh energetically as a business owner, Deborah wrote a book
packed with business tips and examples, you're sure to gain perspective as a
new or seasoned entrepreneur, and round outgrowth not only for your business,
but personally and professionally.


Deborah gives relatable life experiences and business challenges to put you on the path to success. Not for the passive, this book

gives an energizing and interactive read filled with ideas and exercises to get you to “do the work.” One will definitely walk away from
reading, motivated and encouraged.

What Took Me 40 Years to Learn

You Can Learn in 90 Minutes

After 4 decades in business, here’s my game-changing

Cut my Working Schedule in Half,
Increased Earnings by 38%, Reduced Stress

and overwhelm, and How YOU CAN TOO!"